Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Letchworth Trail Run

I knew I needed to complete a long run for my half marathon training but I also wanted to do another section of the FLT.  My idea when doing section hikes was to focus on the main trail, but to also do the Passport Program, I'm going to have to do sections of the branch trails.  In my research for running around Letchworth State Park I found the 'Dam' Good Trail Race.  While I don't think I'd ever run it, it did give me a section of trail to run.  Looking back at it, they ran the race on Sunday and I went on Monday.

So I decided to kill two birds with one stone and do a section for the Passport and get a run in.  I decided to start at the Mount Morris Dam and run the FLT south.  Looking at the map, it looked level for the majority of it with one section that went down in elevation and back up rather quickly.  I didn't think it would be that bad if the rest of it was level.

I had never been to the Mount Morris Dam before so I explored a little bit before I started running.  There's a visitor center and you can do a tour of the dam.  Unfortunately, I didn't wait to go into the visitor center and I used the latrine right next to where I parked.  Oops, could have had indoor plumbing.  I explored the upper area around the dam and there's a nice playground and picnic area.
Mount Morris Dam

Selfie at the Mount Morris Dam
Also at the Mount Morris Dam is the FLTC Service Center.  I didn't go in there, but I did stand next to the totem pole near the center.  It has various signs that show the mileage of different trails.  It was a little bit of a trek through some high weeds to get to it.
Totem Pole

Totem Pole Selfie
So after exploring around the parking lot and the visitor center (where there was a really nice lady at the desk) I went to start my run.  The section that was part of the Passport program was really short.  There were some really nice views from the start though.
View from the Trail of the Dam

Traverse Station
Once I got to the turn around point for the Passport Program, I continued on.  Past the turn around point is a detailed map and then a little while down the trail was the registry.  The trail was nice and level but for some reason, I kept finding every root and rolling my ankle.  I was also so winded.  So I stopped running and tried to walk briskly.  However, I did not bring my daypack (because I planned on running the whole thing) so I just had my handheld water bottle.  It was not enough water and by the end I was so thirsty.
Detailed Map

One of the many creek beds you cross on the trail.

Most of the trail looks like this.
So I decided, after this failed attempt at running that I need to be more conscience of my diet.  Yesterday was the last day I would drink soda (I finished the trail with a cold bottle of Pepsi from the vending machine at the visitor center) and I'd try to eat less junk.  The half marathon is in less than 2 weeks and I want to do decent.  I was so tired that I had to sit and take a break, something I haven't done in a long time.  Well, the minute I sat down I jumped up and screamed.  There was a little snake and I almost sat on him.  I was telling Nick the story later and he asked if it had a rattle and was like, "you do know they have rattle snakes in Letchworth."  It was a baby snake and no rattle but we don't know what kind it was.  I think it was more scared of me than I was of it because it didn't move for the longest time.
Almost sat on this little guy.
I took a ton of pictures on this run.  I don't think I'll post all of them but I'll end with the panoramic view from where I turned around.  I could here people yelling and laughing, but couldn't see anyone.

My total run/walk was 6.74 miles round trip.  I can't give an accurate percentage of how much of the Letchworth Branch I have completed because I turned around at a point not listed on the FLTC Tracking Excel sheets.  I want to do this trek again (with my daypack and hiking boots) so I don't believe it will be an issue.

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