Sunday, September 13, 2015

Half Marathon

My plan was to go for a hike on Labor Day.  I thought it would be a perfect way to end the summer.  I'd be doing a half marathon on Sunday and I thought I would be ok on Monday to go for a hike.  I was dead wrong.

Jodi and I have been training all summer for this half marathon.  I think I hyped myself up saying I could do this and run most of it.  Well, I was dead wrong.  I was not ready and it was super hot.  the combination did not make running or even walking it easy.  Jodi and I ended up walking most of it and by the end we were exhausted and hurting.  I could barely move the next day.
Waiting for the race to start.

Buffalo Love

Crossing the Finish Line
Finisher Medals

If I ever did a half marathon again, I would do the Biggest Loser again.  Besides it being Labor Day Weekend and hot, it is great for slow people like me.  I definitely need more training though so it will be a while before I do it again.  I'll stick to 5Ks for a while.

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